Data Center Dynamics: Spectra Logic partners with Geyser Data for first Tape-as-a-Service storage offering
May 14, 2024
Spectra Logic has partnered with cloud archive solutions provider Geyser Data to deliver the first tape- as-a-service (TaaS) offering.
Dubbed Tape Archive Platform As-a-Service (TAPAS), the new solution uses magnetic tape technology in a cloud-based, as-a-service model. The two companies say this allows for the “high durability and low cost” benefits of traditional tape storage, with the “convenience and flexibility of cloud services.”
TAPAS will be supported by Spectra Logic’s recently launched Spectra Cube, a cloud-optimized tape library, in addition to the company’s Spectra Certified LTO-9 media and Spectra BlackPearl solutions. According to the two companies, TAPAS is a subscription-based model that is scalable on demand and can be instantly provisioned as it requires “no specialized knowledge of skills” to use.
The companies added that TAPAS data can be retrieved in seconds to minutes and there are no access charges or egress fees associated with the retrieval or removal of data, although tape cartridges can be delivered to customers for an optional fee. Currently, tape media has a life span of approximately 30 years.
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